The third International Symposium on Atomistic Modeling for
Mechanics and Multiphysics of Materials

Following the success of former two meetings in Tokyo in 2011 and 2013, the third ISAM4 meeting will be held as a subconference in MSMF8 (Brno, Czech Republic, June 27-29 2016). This symposium will provide an opportunity for active researchers to present and discuss recent findings and developments in and around the field of atomistic modeling simulation for mechanics and multi-physics of materials. 

Research topics of this symposium include but not limited to:

Keynote speakers

Invited speakers

General information (conference venue, participation fee, etc)
Since this symposium will be held as a subconference in the MSMF8 meeting, general policies are the same as those of MSMF8, i.e., conference venue, participation fee, dates of deadlines. Registration procedures are also the same and must be done through the web site of MSMF8.

We plan to assign as many contributions to oral presentations as possible. Your presentation form (oral or poster) will be decided based on the number of applications and your choice of preference at abstract submission.

Organizing comittee of ISAM4
Prof. Yoshitaka Umeno (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Dr. Yoshinori Shiihara  (The Univ. of Tokyo)

Some tips for your travel
Get tips!

ISAM4 secretariat: Dr. Yoshinori Shiihara nori[at]